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Regular and Certified Translations / Revision / Quality Assurance / DTP / 
Proofreading  / Subtitling

The translation process involves several stages. This ensures quality, accuracy, and client satisfaction.


The first step is the translation of the document. This is followed by a review stage, where the translation is checked for accuracy against the source document, and style and grammar are improved. The final stage involves a general proofreading and quality assurance, when spelling mistakes, typos and formatting are checked and double-checked.


Attention to detail


On-time delivery

If the source document has been created with special graphic design software, such as in the case of a catalogue or brochure, I also offer graphic design and desktop publishing (DTP) services. A graphic designer is involved in this step so that the finished translation looks exactly the same as the original document and is ready to print. In this case, the quality assurance step is implemented after the participation of the designer, to guarantee that both the translation and the design are impeccable.

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